At the time of this being written and whatever your views for or against, the giant black cloud of Brexit hanging over us is about to be blown away by the fresh breeze of 2020. Obviously and despite our '2020' vision, we still do not know what is going to happen; will it be good or bad or ugly? It's in the balance. We can only hope that the car industry will survive and thrive and it is, at least in part up to us, the car buyers. So what will we look for in our next used car for 2020?
Buyers having a browse through our stock will see that there is pretty much something for everyone. From city cars to thoroughbred SUV's, we have never had a better choice of motors thanks to the trend of having a wide selection of engine options across the same model. We can choose from petrol and diesel, hybrid or fully electric; cars that will either sip fuel like fine wine, or models that deliver on performance and the sheer pleasure of driving.
Build Quality And Affordability
How we view the notion of quality can differ enormously. One person will be happy if the car seat is comfortable over long distances while others won't be content unless that seat is upholstered with the finest leather. Car makers spend a lot of time on this to ensure that the quality of a vehicle is always prioritised. Modern methods of manufacture have seen to that. All cars today are properly screwed together and the days of gaping panel gaps are long gone.
What concerns the car buyer today are the triple topics of safety, looks and reliability. It's good news for motorists that safety technology is now the priority. We also like to be able to personalise our cars in ways that were unheard of even twenty years ago and further, we also don't want to be troubled by breakdowns, so the modern 'recall' system when an issue is identified, is also good news. Just going from A to B isn't enough any more; we're more selective and, we would like to think, more sophisticated now.
Yet we still need to afford them. In general, the mainstream used car market is very affordable. That early 'new car' depreciation has gone and, for the sensible buyer, there are some excellent finance deals around these days. Modern cars can last much longer, so purchasing an older vehicle with perhaps a higher mileage is no longer the risky undertaking it used to be.
There's a word that we hear a lot of these days and to a lesser or greater extent is something many of us think about, albeit in small ways. We want our Utilities to use renewable energy, we've mostly stopped using plastic carrier bags and we try to recycle more but, when it comes to cars, is it less of a consideration?
A recent global survey has shown clearly that when we select a car, sustainability is way down the list and there's a very good reason for that mentioned above; affordability. Cars that are less harmful to the environment are often more expensive and very much in the minority; it's not that we would not buy one so much as we can't afford to. The car industry is onto this; with every advancement in automotive science, sustainable thinking is behind it. We care about sustainability but we don’t currently value it over affordability and quality.
Friendly Service
Car buyers are cannier these days and we like above all to receive friendly attentive service. The people who sell you your cars also value good service when they buy things. That's why here at eCars247 we make customer service a priority and that is why we have a Five Star rating from Trustpilot.